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Friday, December 24, 2010

Adler Journalism Building

Nearing the end of my academic career, I find myself growing
nolstalgic for the bathrooms I frequented as an undergrad. The places
I spent much of my time, killing time between classes on campus, in a
point in my Iowa City career when I differentiated between campus and
off-campus. When I visited this bathroom before sneaking into a long
film class, preparing for a short nap during the first half hour,
hoping only not to snore and to gain back a bit of the energy I had
lost staying up too late the previous night, knowing I would need the
rest to do the same that night. Those were times I miss, but I have
grown past them. I am a different person now. It's not quite the same
to go back. You feel old. You can't go home again, not really, but
perhaps you can pee there.
