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Saturday, January 22, 2011


I probably go to George's once a week, but this is probably the second
time I've been in the bathroom. The bar always feel so personal to me,
is the bathroom the same way. At first, I thought no. Then I saw this
inscribed on the wall beyond the toilet:

"Workshop: where the aggressively inarticulate get their (like)
teaching certificates."


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Olive Garden

If there is one thing that can really make me feel at home in a public restroom, it's pictures from the old country. By old country, of course, I'm referring to aisle E7 of the nearest Target Superstore.
Vistas of the beloved peninsula with the sounds of Dean Martin and a man coughing up the phleghm of a thousand smoke-filled nights spent in a plaza drinking wine and harrassing the local women assured me that I was receiving an authentic Italian experience, even in the bathroom.
The sink had the high level of quality and care that I have come to expect from a casual dining restaurant, with more bells and whistles than one would see in a rustic village home. Still, it is true that when you pee here, you pee with family.
